You are invited to be a young citizen scientist! Can you identify where young people feel included by sharing your own experience?
With the YouCount App, you can help improve what we know about opportunities available to young people to take part in society. With youths from nine European countries – Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom – you’re asked to share your daily life experiences of participating, belonging, and citizenship in society. Where and when do you feel that you belong? How do you take part in society and the local community? What makes you feel supported and that your voice is heard? Through the app, share the places where you spend time, activities you do, who you spend time with, and what these all mean to you.
As a young citizen scientist, you’d be sharing your experiences with other young people and researchers in the YouCount App.
YouCount is a research and innovation project using hands-on citizen science funded by the European Union, and we aim to address one of Europe’s most pressing challenges: How to increase social inclusion for young people?