Social Science Handbook
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This deliverable provides a more detailed description of the criteria and procedures that will be used to identify and recruit participants for the project. In particular, it specifies the standards and procedures for the recruitment and consent of young citizen scientists, who will fill the roles of both research participants and researchers.
The YouCount project is a large project with a substantial number of participants that requires proper knowledge management and knowledge transfer throughout the project period and beyond. This intellectual property rights (IPR) plan aims to support good conduct regarding intellectual property (IP) in the project.
This data management plan (DMP) outlines what data will be collected; how research data will be handled during the project and after finalization; what methodology and standards will be used; whether and how this data will be shared and/or made open; and how the data will be curated and preserved. The DMP is a living document that will be updated throughout the project period as the project evolves.
Based on the overall strategy described in the Document of Action (DoA), the Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication (DEC) plan will be developed to ensure stakeholder engagement at multiple levels. It will draw on the networks, communication channels, and vehicles of the Partners represented in the consortium, aligning with the activities they organize, including the Advisory Board (AB) and European Citizen Science Association (ECSA).
It will establish the means to encourage partners to identify their participation in the planned activities. Therefore, the main objective of this deliverable is to set out the strategy to report on the participation of the planned events to monitor the dissemination activities linked to these events and make sure that it happens along the lines of the DEC Plan.
The project leaflet is one of the main communication activities within WP5, Dissemination, exploitation and communication which seeks to design and implement an effective and targeted communication and dissemination strategy as expressed in the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) Plan.
This 'Project Identity Guidelines' has been created to assist all partners involved in the YouCount project. It provides an overview of the elements that make up the YouCount identity system and presents guidelines for working with them. Through notes and examples, it demonstrates how these elements can be combined to communicate a consistent identity that represents the YouCount project.
This deliverable presents an early methodological framework for the hands-on youth citizen social science (Y-CSS) study, describing our plans for data collection and analysis which remain under development, including the YouCount App toolkit that will be piloted in Spring 2022.
This project report presents the Internet list of stakeholders to be part of a CSS (citizen social science) network and established link to relevant CS (citizen science) projects and organizations. The deliverable has been developed under Workpackage 1 Task 1.1. Identification and mobilising of stakeholders at the European and international levels. This task is aimed at establishing a multilevel platform of stakeholders and seeks to link up YouCount to other CS-related projects.
This report describes the conceptual framework for youth involved in citizen social science in the YouCount project. Moreover, the report presents the use of citizen social science as a mean for social innovation, highlights the dialogical framework for co-creative youth citizen social science, explores the conceptual and methodological framework for evaluation of the outcomes, and discusses ethical considerations and risk mitigation strategies when conducting youth involved citizen social science.
YouCount will focus on social inclusion, which is understood as equal opportunities for youth participation in society, and will elucidate social participation, connectedness, and social belonging. As elaborated on later, the multiple case studies – consisting of nine co-creative Youth Citizen Social Science projects across Europe – will provide increased knowledge of the positive drivers for social inclusion in general and specific knowledge and innovation about participation, belonging, and citizenship.