The experience of the UK Team at the YouCount Final Conference 2023

The Youcount UK team The Youcount UK team
Written by: Andrew Dirzu, Arishel Jubb, Evie Ball, Khaleel Mamsa, Maria Turda, Suzanne Wilson, Julie Ridley An international audience gathered at the heart of European democracy in Brussels for the final YouCount Conference, including four young citizen scientists (YCSs), four academics and a local government stakeholder from the UK. The confe...
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  1399 Hits
1399 Hits

At the intersection of youth, community and belonging. YouCount experiences, findings and continuous innovation – YouCount UK national workshop

YouCount UK national workshop
Authors: Maria Turda, Suzanne Wilson and Julie Ridley The national workshop as part of the YouCount UK case local dissemination took place on 7th of September 2023. It was a gathering involving Young Citizen Scientists (YCSs), other young people, researchers from the UK team, local and national stakeholders, including local authorities, third secto...
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  1267 Hits
1267 Hits

Creating a space for intergenerational dialogue at our first Living Lab

  Julie Ridley and Salma Qasim, UCLan research team  Our ambition for the Living Lab In the UK, a team of social science academics and young students are exploring 'community belonging' along with young citizen scientists. Our key aspiration is to identify with the young citizen scientists, new ways to ensure young people feel they belong...
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  1328 Hits
1328 Hits

Leading Change with Young People in Preston, UK

 Written by Salma Qasim, PhD student and research assistant in the UK case YouCount Preston Case A group of young people in Preston were invited to training sessions, the purpose of which were to find out more about what YouCount is all about. The aim was to equip them with the necessary skills to become youth citizen scientists in community r...
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  2612 Hits
2612 Hits
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european unionYouCount is funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020, GA No.101005931